可以交我 寫英文找工作的履歷表麼~今天晚上12點前要歐

請先幫我翻這篇ㄉ中文好ㄇ我要寫履歷表但要先有類似這樣ㄉ封面~謝謝In September 2000

I will receiver my Bachelor of business in Marketing from the University of New York

and I am interested in obtaining an entry-level position with your company. Friends have told me about Niagara

Inc. and I understand you have a superior marketing department.My undergraduate studies covered a wide range with concentrations in statistics


and law as well as in marketing. As such

I believe I have a strong business background and would work well in your organization.I have enclosed my resume showing my work experience during summers and part-time employment while in college. From this information

you see that I am an active

motivated person and will continue this aggressiveness with your organization

I look forward to meeting you. When can we set up an appointment for an interview?I may be reched at 716-225-4422.


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